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EZ PIN API Version 2.0 Announced; Complete Guide

Using EZ PIN API is a great approach to keep your business concerns distinct from your technological ones, allowing you to focus solely on your business. We are continually working to improve and upgrade our API integration capabilities at EZ PIN. In this regard, we’ve recently released EZ PIN API Version 2.0, which you can learn more about in this article as well as in its documentation. In this article, we’ll go over the new features and modifications in the second edition of the API Integration.

Security Features

Similar to version 1.0, valid client ID and secret key are required to access APIs v2.0, which you can generate yourself using the EZ PIN web-based panel. You also need to define the list (white list) of IPs that are eligible to use APIs through the web-based panel. You can get access tokens from whitelisted IPs using a valid client ID and secret key, which is required for calling each and every API. Every request to the EZ PIN API version 2.0 must contain your access token in the authorization header. Furthermore, to ensure data privacy, all APIs v2.0 are served over HTTPS.

Catalogs List

All digital product catalogs, both fixed price and range-priced ones, can be found via the “Catalogs” API. In addition to the SKU, UPC, minimum and maximum price, pre-order feature, and other attributes of each catalog, EZ PIN API version 2.0 now includes the percentage of buying price, which is a ratio applied to the original price that determines the buying price for the current user, and an activation fee, which is a fixed amount that must be paid in addition to the original price when ordering the catalog.

Terminal ID and Terminal PIN

When using EZ PIN APIs v2.0 to create a digital or crypto order or activate a physical card, you can submit a terminal ID, which is associated with the sub-user (terminal) that creates the order or activates the card. Sub-users can be defined in the EZ PIN web-based panel’s settings section. If you specify a PIN requirement in the EZ PIN web-based panel’s settings, you must send the terminal PIN along with the terminal ID to create an order or activate a card.

In response of creating (digital or crypto) order, activation, order information, and orders list APIs, you can also view terminal ID.

Reference Code

All orders in EZ PIN APIs v2.0, including digital, crypto, and activation orders, are identifiable by unique reference codes given by the users when the orders are created. When creating an order, a unique UUID v4 reference code must be given, and the same reference code can later be used to get the digital or crypto order details or physical card activation status. In order to finalize a crypto order, you’ll also need the crypto order’s reference code.

Digital Card Order

When creating a digital order with EZ PIN APIs v2.0, you can optionally submit a “delivery type” parameter that selects Email, SMS, or WhatsApp as the delivery method for obtaining the gift card. By specifying the delivery method, you must also send a “destination” parameter which is the email address/WhatsApp/Phone Number for receiving the card.

Also in response of creating digital order, order details and order list APIs in EZ PIN APIs v2.0, you can find “total_face_value” field which is the sum of original prices of the cards in the order, “total_fees” field which is the sum of activation fees, “total_discounts” field which is the sum of discounts (multiplication of percentage of buying price and original price) for the cards in the order, and “total_customer_cost” field which is the sum of final amounts of the cards in the order that the user should totally pay for creating the order.

Moreover, in response of creating digital order, order details and order list APIs in EZ PIN APIs v2.0, you can find the link of the order in which you can find the information for all the cards purchased.

Last but not least, you can get information on each of the cards in an order by using the order’s reference code as an input to the digital order cards information API. For each card in the order, this API in EZ PIN APIs v2.0 returns the card number, PIN code, and claim URL, which is the card’s unique link.

Physical Cards

Physical Card Check API returns information about the physical card based on its barcode. However, in v2.0, the allowed prices for every physical card is returned in an array which includes minimum and maximum price for that specific card.

Also in response of activating and activation status APIs in EZ PIN APIs v2.0, you can find “total_face_value” field which is the original price of the physical card in the activation process, “total_fees” field which is the activation fee, “total_discounts” field which is the discount for the card in the activation process, and “total_customer_cost” field which is the final amount of the card that the user should totally pay for card activation.

Crypto Orders

When creating an order using crypto APIs v2.0, you can optionally send the terminal ID and terminal PIN. You must, however, include a unique reference code in your order, which you can use to finalize your order or view the order details.

A variety of filters have also been added to the crypto orders list API, including start date, end date, status, and so on.

If you have any questions and problems implementing and using EZ PIN API v2.0, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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